About The Tarot

Fortune Telling Tarot Cards

Unter of Books

Book of Trades Tarot (Jost Amman 1588): Unter of Books

For the purposes of this divination, the suit of Books corresponds to the suit of Swords, or the playing card suit of Spades. This suit represents the element Air, and the social classes of Nobility and Military. Books are considered a Masculine suit. Books typically represent intellect, reason, mental clarity, and the sciences. They may also represent conflicts surrounding the questioner.

The Pages typically concern children. They may represent innocence and playfulness, novices, amateurs, and young students, learning, naivety, and youth.

Talkative. Curious. Mentally restless. Energetic.

This card may represent a young person in the life of the questioner, or an aspect of the questioner themselves. This card indicates a surefooted person who succeeds without flash, or one who does not second guess decisions. It indicates decisive action and control of oneself, and the use of reason or eloquent speech to penetrate the veil of confusion and cut to the heart of the matter. This individual may also have a great interest in spying and learning the secrets of others.

Reversed Meaning: All talk and no action. Haste. Undelivered promises.

This card can indicate fear causing plans to crumble. It may describe a person who is timid and cowardly, or one who allows the opinions of others to interfere with their own ambition. It can also indicate someone who has a tendency to invade other people's privacy, and use their secrets to work ruin against them. It may be a warning about gossip.

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