About The Tarot

Fortune Telling Tarot Cards

Four of Coins

Sola Busca Tarot (1491): Four of Coins

Coins are also referred to as pentacles and may be represented by a five pointed star in a circle, or a coin decorated with a five pointed star. They correspond to the playing card suit of Diamonds. This suit represents the element Earth, and the social class of Merchants. Coins are considered a Feminine suit. Coins typically represent material wealth and possessions, the body and health, and the environment of the questioner.

The Fours typically concern consolidation, stability, peacefulness, harmony, completion, perfection, and family. Four can also represent not sharing, selfishness, cliques, self-involvement, and a lack of concern or acknowledgment of others.

Control. Stability. Security. Possession. Conservatism.

A spread containing the Four of Coins refers to a lover of material wealth, one with a stable income, but who typically hoards things of value with no prospect of sharing.

Reversed Meaning: Greed. Materialism. Self-protection.

This card warns against the tendency of being selfish and a spendthrift.

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