Free Tarot Reading

Fortune Telling Tarot Cards

Welcome, fortune seekers! Call upon the divinatory power of the tarot to read your future and learn your destiny with our free tarot reading. Simply select your favourite tarot deck and card spread, then clear your mind and concentrate on your question.

  1. Choose your tarot deck
  2. Choose your spread
  3. Ask a question
  4. Allow reversed cards?

Your Diamond Spread

Eight of Coins
First Force
Queen of Swords
Second Force
The Empress
Nine of Cups (Reversed)

Your Diamond Spread Interpretation

About The Visconti-Sforza Tarot (Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo - circa 1451)

The Visconti-Sforza tarot is a collection of Milanese 15th-century tarot decks belonging to the Visconti and Sforza families, and one of the oldest collections of tarot decks known to exist.

The Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo deck was produced around 1451 and originally composed of 78 cards. Four of the original cards are lost, including two trumps: the Devil and the Tower. We have included blank placeholders for the missing cards. The trump and face cards have a gilt background, while the pip cards are cream coloured with a flower and vine motif.

The figures on the suit of staves wear silver and blue pleated garments and carry a staff, whilst those on the suit of cups wear gold garments and carry a chalice. The swords suit shows figures dressed in full silver armour and carrying a sword, and the coins suit shows figures wearing blue garments decorated with a gold sun motif and carrying a coin.

About The Diamond Spread

The diamond spread is a four card or rune spread used as a method to resolve a conflict for the questioner. It is used to help the questioner understand the two opposing forces of the conflict, the foundation upon which the conflict is founded, and provide a resolution or compromise between these forces.

Sometimes a conflict can be resolved by taking a step back and taking a look from a fresh perspective. The diamond spread will help to give the questioner a new perspective on their conflict and understand its foundation. How the questioner chooses to interpret their reading will help to give them insight into resolving their conflict.
Eight of Coins

Foundation: Eight of Coins

Coins are also referred to as pentacles and may be represented by a five pointed star in a circle, or a coin decorated with a five pointed star. They correspond to the playing card suit of Diamonds. This suit represents the element Earth, and the social class of Merchants. Coins are considered a Feminine suit. Coins typically represent material wealth and possessions, the body and health, and the environment of the questioner.

The Eights typically concern solidity, thick walls, skill, patience, achievement, change, and future contentment. Eights may also concern being enmeshed in the material world, trapped, caught between a rock and a hard place, revolution, travel, and showing strength to move quickly and escape a difficult situation.

Apprenticeship. Education. Quality. Engagement.

An artist at his work. A steady hand. Stable growth. Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business, perhaps in the preparatory stage. Steady patience with achievement kept in mind.

Queen of Swords

First Force: Queen of Swords

Swords were typically depicted with curved blades in ancient tarot decks to distinguish them from staves. They correspond to the playing card suit of Spades, (in Italian, spada means sword). This suit represents the element Air, and the social classes of Nobility and Military. Swords are considered a Masculine suit. Swords typically represent intellect, reason, mental clarity, and the sciences. They may also represent conflicts surrounding the questioner.

The Queens typically concern women: mothers, sisters, or female friends. They may represent feminine sensuality, feminine instinct and intuition, female independence, freedom and intellect, and pure motherly virtues such as kindness and love.

Quick thinker. Organised. Perceptive. Independent.

The Queen of Swords may depict a woman in the questioner's life or the questioner themselves. She is a clever, independent, quick thinker who may operate in an intellectual arena such as higher education, or the sciences. She has an unusual clarity of mind and is a free thinker. The Queen of Swords may also refer to a familiarity with sorrow or reflecting on sorrows. She may represent a warning, a self-protection, or a test. She may represent putting thoughts into action, or new ideas or a new enterprise.

The Empress

Second Force: The Empress

Mothering. Fertility. Sexuality. Abundance. Material prosperity. Pleasure. Comfort. Power. Nature. Delight. Desire. Physical attraction. Health. Sensuality. Beauty. Satisfaction. Femininity.

The Empress represents fertile nature, a fruitful motherly figure who nurtures, sustains, and feeds others. She is often shown as pregnant. She represents the creation of life, romance, art, or business. She may represent the germination of an idea. She is the mother-goddess, and represents Venus, Ishtar, Isis, and many other mother-goddess figures, including Demeter, mother of Persephone, who when Persephone was kidnapped, kept the Earth cold and barren until the Spring, when her child was returned. In this, she represents the cyclical nature of the natural world, Summer and Winter, life and death. She may represent the chaotic nature of the life force itself, the uncontrollable aspect of nature, or refer to an object of desire.

Nine of Cups (Reversed)

Conclusion: Nine of Cups (Reversed)

Cups are also referred to as chalices and may be represented by religious grails or goblets. They correspond to the playing card suit of Hearts. This suit represents the element Water, and the social class of Clergy. Cups are considered a Feminine suit. Cups typically represent emotions, love, and spiritual beliefs.

The Nines typically concern completion, perfection, the end of a cycle, independence, self-reliance, inner strength, and satisfaction. Nines can also represent defensiveness, an inability to give and take, loss, and martyrdom.

Wishes fulfilled. Comfort. Happiness. Satisfaction.

This card can indicate that the questioner is having a wish fulfilled or achieving what they desire. They may have or be about to achieve their desires and dreams. It can also indicate that all is well with the world, or that the questioner is feeling pleased, contented, or smug. It may refer to an experience of luxury, a delicious meal, fine arts, or making love.

Reversed Meaning: Greed. Dissatisfaction. Materialism.

The questioner may have achieved their dreams but still feel unsatisfied and want more. This card can be a warning against greed and materialism, or taking a partner for granted. It advises the questioner to appreciate what they have, because they may not have it forever.

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About Tarot Reading

Thank you for using our completely free online tarot reading. Fortune telling through tarot card divination is an old tradition. The tarot was originally invented in Medieval times to play card games. The divinatory meanings of the tarot cards commonly used today are largely derived from the works of cartomancer Jean-Baptiste Alliette, also known as Etteilla. The modern occult tarot emerged with the publication of a book, Le Monde Primitif, by the Freemason Antoine Court de Gébelin in 1781, who claimed that the tarot was derived from a book of ancient Egyptian arcane wisdom. This was followed shortly by Etteilla's divinatory book, Manière de se récréer avec le jeu de cartes nommées Tarots ("How to Entertain Yourself With the Deck of Cards Called Tarot") in 1785.

Our tarot includes numerous different classical and historical tarot decks, such as the Rider Waite Colman Smith tarot, two variations of the Soprafino deck, a classic Marseille tarot, the Sola Busca, and two of the Visconti-Sforza decks. Some of our decks are beautiful black and white line drawings, whilst others are full colour facsimilies. The Visconti-Sforza decks cannot be reproduced here in their full glory as they were heavily decorated in gold and silver leaf. We have included a choice of many different classic tarot spreads, such as the Diamond, Mirror, Mandala, and Medicine Wheel spreads. Also included is the traditional Celtic Cross spread, the archetypal spread used to tell fortunes through tarot cards.

Tarot card divination is an interesting and unique way to take a step back from a situation and interpret it from a new angle. Interpreting a tarot spread forces a fresh perspective on the questioner and may help them gain new insights into their question. Enjoy your free tarot reading!

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